Saturday, April 24, 2010

3rd Week on Communication Module

15 & 16 March 2010

This is a second module with Mr. Farizal which is Interview Techniques. For this module, I was exposed with basic interview and how to answer the common question. After lunch was mock interview which is involve all the trainees, and this session was continued until 16 March 2010.

Today was my turn, I have grouping interview. There are 4 of us compete for one job and the job is related with plant biotechnology and landscape design. After the interview we have some comment from Mr. Farizal. I was really disappointed because I am so nervous at the early stage of interview and I admit the comment from Mr. Farizal, he said I should improve my communication skill and grammar by reading and also practice speaking with my friends and family. I am really appreciate his advice and used it for my own good

17 March 2010

Today session was Body Language for Presentation with Pn Fatimah Abu Bakar and Mr Najmi. I was very excited because we have AF trainer for this module. Pn Fatimah teach us how to be confident and how we can apply our body language techniques to make a good presentation. For this session, each group have to came out with our product and present it. At the end of each presentation Pn Fatimah give her evaluation. This day was very interesting to gain knowledge and learn from her.

18 March 2010

On Thursday, we have  Grooming and Dining Etiquette with Madam Noraini Othman. I was wondering why we should know dining etiquette for this communication module. after attending this class with gorgeous trainee, Pn Noraini Othman, I reliase that this is important for profesional and business. For Grooming session is was very relax session and all girls like it including me. We know how to apply make up and wear an appropriate atire to go to work and look confident.

19 March 2010

On Friday, we were taught about Advance Report Writing and our trainers were Madam Norliza and Madam Farahiyah. For this session, we were requested to make questionaire for our report. For my group D'Himawarriors, we choose facilities for our topic to make a survey.

Complete five days for third week of Communication Module. So time for relax my mind.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Introduction week..:-)

On 1st March 2010, I started my BeST programme at Unirazak city campus located in CapSquare. We were given a briefing regarding this programme; how long BeST programme will conducted, about the allowance and facilitators involve from Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation and Shcool of Executive and Entrepreneur Development (SEED). The trainer would be reveal went the day comes, and they are the best among the best. In order to make us marketable to world we must help ourself with trainers' guidelines and assist.

On 2nd and 3rd March 2010, we went to Nur Lembah Pansun, Ulu Klang for 2 days. The objectives of this activity is Teamwork, in the end of this programme we will be able to see issues in the organization in a refreshing perspective, appreciate diversity and working in teams, analyse the internal climate and deal with it, enhance relationship among team members, deal with the rapid changes in training and work, have empathy towards others and last but not least create harmony at the work place. As we arrived at Nur Lembah Pansun we were meeting with Mr. Sazali from Learning Edge Consultants Sdn Bhd at dining hall. We were breaking the ice for the first meeting and forming teams. My team is Silver Storm and we through all stages of team growth very well, forming, storming, norm and performing.

The outdoor activities were very challenging and need participant from all of Silver Storm's members. We learned a lot of things from these activity; understand the goal and objective, utilization of resources, trust and conflict, leadership, control and procedures, interpersonal communications, problems solving & decision making, creativity, and roles & responsibilities. In the end of this programme we become more close each other and achieve teamwork’s objective.

On 4th March 2010, we were requiring to do six tests to know better ourselves. The six different types of tests are devised to measure our Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), Creativity, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

5th March 2010, we were introduced to our trainers, Ms. Norliza and Ms. Farah. We learned about Effective Resume. To make impressive resume and catch 45second employer’s attention. The precise resume will be 2 to 3 pages. We also discover the required content need in resume. The tidiness and neat are first requirement in resume. Picture must be formal and nice to attract employer.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My 1st day at UniRazak

When I arrived at UniRazak city campus it is very impressive and luxuries building. I was wondering why I didn't see any UniRazak's students. I guessed that may be they are on semester break. A lot of judgment I made in my mind as I walking ahead to UniRazak, would I get any friends and would the facilitators would like me or aversion.

I saw many people standing in front of UniRazak's building and I kept smiling to them. When I saw three girls standing and chattering together, I take initiative to approach them. Until now, Azren, Rozana and Sahara are my close friend. We know each other and after a few days, Rai joined our group and us getting close every day.